Best Freshwater Fishing (Casting) Spot in West Borneo

West Borneo is very rich with biodiversity, including the fish biodiversity, escpecially freshwater fish. Thats why, West Borneo also has so many great fishing spot. The fishing spot consist of blackwater river, blackwater lake and white water river with heavy currents. The following paragraph will inform you some of the great fishing spot in West Borneo Indonesia.

Sambas River

Sambas is a district in West Borneo, about 250 km north from Pontianak, West Borneo capital city. Sambas river flow from its upper stream in Bengkayang to South Cina Sea. Best fishing spot in this river is around the middle stream with blackwater and mid current. In this river, you can catch some fish like Toman, Tapah, Kerandang and hampala.


Tayan is a subdistrict area of Sanggau Districk, it can reach from Pontianak in about two hours. Tayan is best fisihing spot to catch Giant prawns, but you should aware that where so many prawns is exist, there is crocodile near the area. Another fish we can catch in this area is Gabus (Chana striata), Toman (Chana micropeltes).

Danau Sentarum National Park

Danau Sentarum National Park known as the best freshwater fishing spot in West Borneo/Kalimantan. Danau Sentarum National Park (DSNP)  located at the upper stream of Kapuas River called "Kapuas hulu". This lake is very unique because of the hydrological profie, in rain season, Sentarum Lake will flooded by rain water directly from the sky and from so many creek which connected to the lake. In dry season, the water in the lake will shrink. There is only some big river will remain the water stream.

Casting is the best fishing technique you can enjoy in this area, some predator fish you can catch in this lake for example are Toman (Channa micropeltes), Piyang (Channa marulioides), Kerandang (Channa pleuropthalmus), Gabus (Channa striata), Tapah (Ompok bimaculatus). Other fish you can catch is Piyam (Leptobarbus melanopterus).

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